Who is Kirra Treelore…..

Namaste Beautiful Soul,

My Soul name is Kirra, I am a Steward of the Soul. My passion & part of my Soul purpose is to steward other Soul's through the darkness to Live a beautiful abundant life.

I believe that if I can change my Life so can You!

At times we may need a non-judgemental supportive safe connection to assist healing our past or present trauma & pain experienced in our body, heart, mind or Soul.

Why would you work with me?

My personal Soul healing journey has taken me through some very dark places & experiences such as domestic violence, trauma, PTSD, death, narcissistic/emotional/sexual-abuse, addiction, psychosis, depression, self induced near death experience & repeating dysfunctional behaviours.

Years spent seeking answers of truth, self - help & doing what the specialists/Dr’s advised, playing by “the rules” of society & family expectations I felt worse. The truth was I hated where I found myself, alone, dysfunctional & I dreaded waking up every morning.

After being assaulted for the last time, I focused on getting to the bottom of why after all the work I had done, all the counselling, therapy & specialists, I still ended up a victim, alone and now suffering PTSD. Why did I keep repeating these patterns?

Then I found Ursus School of Shamanism & Andrew “Orion” Marks - Shaman, teacher, Director/Founder of Wyla.org.au . When I began Shamanism training my intention was to heal myself so I might eventual live a life of peace. Little did I know Divine Creator Spirit had another plan for me.

It is said;

“when the student is ready, the teacher appears;

and when the student is truly ready the teacher disappears”

So here I am following my inner moral compass, surrendering to the Divine nudges on the path of the heart. Now living a Joyful - Inspired - Creation of a life filled with kindness, compassion for myself & others to live a beautiful life, healed, whole & happy.

I offer what I didn’t have to others a safe, non-judgemental, compassionate space. Allowing you to understand & heal in your body, heart, mind & Soul. To wake up every day joyful, inspired & living a life of your design & creation.

I look forward to walking with you, for a reason, a season or until your Soul~Shine amplifies your life path once more!

with loving kindness


Some Days the sun shines a little brighter when you’re……

A joyful video for you to get a feel for my energy, humour as I celebrate the connection with my Spirit Animal - Turtle Medicine!


Kirra-Yaagan(Grandmother Turtle)